

Talks by Resource Persons

Talks by Resource Persons play a very important role in cultivating in prospective teachers the right spirit and essence of the topic handled in the class. The experience of real life situations of veterans in the field also provides for valuable insights. The college was witness to a large number of resource persons and the students were exposed to the words of wisdom and experience. Rev.Dr.Valsan Thampu gave a talk on Value Education and highlighted the role of teachers in imparting values while teaching.

Academic Year 2005 - 2006

Sl.No Name & Designation Title of the Topic
  1 Dr. N.Shubha, Lecturer in
   English, Women's College
 Strategies of Speaking English
  2 Dr. Indra N. Prof.
   Medical College, TVM.
'Learning Disabilities and Associated Problems'-
   a Classroom approach.
  3 Dr. K.Srivatsan, Director, IITMK  Quality enhancement in teaching using IT
   enabled learning environment
  4 Dr. N.Sadasivan,
University College, TVM.
Perfect Action to enhance your employability
  5 Dr. N.Sadasivan,
University College, TVM.
Perfect Action to enhance your employability
  6 Dr. V.Shyamala,
All Saints College, TVM.
 Oral communication skills in English
  7 Dr. T.K.Lalitha Bai, Former
   Director, IASF,Thrissur.
 Diagnostic tests-Construction and Administration
  8 Mr.Josekutty, HAS, SMV School Grading Techniques
  9 Ms. Soosamma Chandy,
Govt.Law College, TVM.
Human Rights-Awareness for prospective teachers
 10 Ms. Betty Varghese, Career,
Teacher as a Counselor

Internal Workshop / Seminar

An Internal Seminar on Models of Teaching was conducted from 14th August 2006 to August 18th 2006 in the College by the members of faculty of St.Thomas Training College. Remedial instructional materials for the B.Ed course were prepared by the members of faculty.

Competitions conducted by the College

St.Thomas Training College conducted inter-collegiate competitions in connection with 'Suvarna Keralam' celebrations to mark the Golden Jubilee in commemorations with the formation of the state of Kerala.
As part of the 'Suvarna Keralam' celebrations St.Thomas Training College organized the following competitions on 15th November.

1. During forenoon session Quizmaster Koduvazhannoor Murali conducted quiz competition based on
   "Kerala - A Glimpse through glorious 50 years".
2. Afternoon session was followed by elocution competition

Participatin by Students & Trainees

Students from St.Thomas Training College also participated in various inter-collegiate competitions conducted by other B.Ed colleges.
A light music competition was organized by BNV Training College in the month of November. Jayahari of Physical Science Optional secured the 1st position in the above competition.
An inter-collegiate Quiz competition was organized by Christ Nagar College of Teacher Education on 23rd May 2006. Two teacher-trainees from the college participated and obtained commendable position in the same.